(203) 376-5417


I take the health and safety of you and your pet seriously. The coronavirus has changed all our lives, including how I do business, and I will work with you to ensure you are comfortable with the level of contact I have with you and your pet.
I am certified by Pet Sitters International to be properly educated about COVID-19, specifically as it pertains to providing pet care. As the spread of the virus fluctuates in our area and guidelines for contact continue to change, I stay abreast of state and CDC recommendations. As protocols loosen, I will discuss my plan with you to make sure that we are all comfortable with my safety measures.
I will take the following steps to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 as much as possible:
I will check myself daily for any symptoms.
Before entering your home, I will use hand sanitizer and put on a mask and gloves.
I will limit contact with you while in your home, or we can work out a non-contact visit.
Now that the spread of the coronavirus is more under control, I will remove my mask while I walk your dog, but I will keep myself and your pet a safe distance from others and put the mask back on before returning to your home.
If I enter your home or stay overnight, all touched surfaces will be disinfected.
If you would like me to, I can disinfect your dog's leash with wipes you leave for me near the door or bring my own leash.
When I return to my car, my gloves and mask will be removed and paper masks will be thrown away. I will disinfect all handles, steering wheel, etc.
If you become ill, show symptoms of the coronavirus, or test positive for COVID, you MUST let me know immediately, so that we can take additional precautions or figure out if your pet will need additional care while you are sick. And I will notify you right away if I contract the virus.
If I can do something else to help you feel more comfortable and address your concerns, please let me know.